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Maventa pricing for software partners

Save money on fixed monthly payments and integration maintenance costs: our transaction-based pricing model allows you to increase the value of your business with every invoice sent and received through your system.

Transaction-based pricing for software partners – how does it work?

Our pricing is based on transactions. There's no fixed costs and no surprises: only transparent, transaction-based pricing. Contact our experts for more information – we'd be happy to tell you more!

No initial investments

icon-x-F23F5F (1)

No monthly subscriptions


icon-x-F23F5F (1)No start up fees


icon-x-F23F5F (1)No integration costs


icon-x-F23F5F (1)No maintenance fees


Scalable solution

icon-check-00914E (1)

Only pay for transactions processed through your system

icon-check-00914E (1)

Unit costs scale together with transaction volumes

icon-check-00914E (1)

Free-of-charge integration support team

icon-check-00914E (1)No extra costs for partner support – now or in the future

What is included?

Invoice sending

icon-check-00914E (1)

B2B e-invoicing

icon-check-00914E (1)B2G e-invoicing

icon-check-00914E (1)G2B e-invoicing

icon-check-00914E (1)B2C e-invoicing (solution varies per country)

icon-check-00914E (1)Peppol invoicing

icon-check-00914E (1)Paper invoices

icon-check-00914E (1)PDF invoices

icon-check-00914E (1)Color print invoices

icon-check-00914E (1)Automatic invoice routing

icon-check-00914E (1)Recipient look up

Invoice receiving

icon-check-00914E (1)

B2B e-invoicing

icon-check-00914E (1)B2G e-invoicing

icon-check-00914E (1)G2B e-invoicing

icon-check-00914E (1)Peppol invoicing

icon-check-00914E (1)Scanning and interpretation of PDF invoices

icon-check-00914E (1)Scanning and interpretation of paper invoices

icon-check-00914E (1)Automatic format conversions

icon-check-00914E (1)Automated supplier checks

icon-check-00914E (1)Fraud detection


icon-check-00914E (1)

Peppol invoice sending

icon-check-00914E (1)Peppol invoice receiving

icon-check-00914E (1)Electronic order documents and order responses

icon-check-00914E (1)Electronic catalogues and catalogue responses

icon-check-00914E (1)Electronic despatch advices

icon-check-00914E (1)Invoice responses

icon-check-00914E (1)Automatic format conversions

icon-check-00914E (1)Automated supplier checks

Accounts receivable automation

Available in selected countries


icon-check-00914E (1)Automated accounts receivable (AR) management

icon-check-00914E (1)Automated accounts receivable (AR) reminders

icon-check-00914E (1)Invoice financing

Additional benefits

icon-check-00914E (1)

ViDA compliance

icon-check-00914E (1)

API validator tool

icon-check-00914E (1)Free technical integration support

icon-check-00914E (1)Free end-user onboarding

icon-check-00914E (1)Free training and support

icon-check-00914E (1)Dedicated partner management

icon-check-00914E (1)Revenue share & pricing assistance

Supported formats

icon-check-00914E (1)

Peppol BIS

icon-check-00914E (1)Finvoice

icon-check-00914E (1)TEAPPSXML

icon-check-00914E (1)Svefaktura

icon-check-00914E (1)SI-UBL

icon-check-00914E (1)EHF

icon-check-00914E (1)UBL 2.0

icon-check-00914E (1)OIOXML

icon-check-00914E (1)X.Rechnung

Are you a direct customer?

You can find our up-to-date pricing charts for direct customers here:


Valid from 1.2.2025


Valid from 1.1.2025


Valid from 1.1.2025

Netherlands & Belgium

Valid from 1.2.2024

Get in touch

+300 software partners trust us with their transactions

Are you next? Our sales team specialises in building all-in-one e-invoicing solutions tailored to your software and customer needs. Let’s start today and your customers will be streamlining their business in no time.